How Close Are You to Reaching Your 2017 Goals?

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” – Tony Robbins

A lot can happen in a year. The 365 day calendar is a blank canvas where anything can and often does happen . With the end of the year quickly approaching, it’s the perfect time to self assess and reevaluate your progress. Here are 4 simple tricks to help achieve those 2017 goals.

1. Write down the objectives . If you have more than one , write each on a separate page. A study by Harvard MBA program found that students who had goals and wrote them down made on average 10 times more money than students who had no goals or written objectives .

2. By writing each objective on a separate paper , you can focus your attention on just one goal at a time . Create a schedule that narrows in on 1 to 2 daily tasks that will help reach a weekly targets to accomplish a monthly target.

“If you spend too much time thinking about a thing , you’ll never get it done.”- Bruce Lee

3. Be accountable with your time. Your time is an invaluable asset. It is the one asset you can never recoup. Monitor your time by setting up black out periods – when social media and other distractions are eliminated. Try using leisure time as an incentive for completed tasks !

4. Do better! Each milestone you make is a time for personal introspection. Pushing yourself at each check point in your goal process is a great way to be in constant growth mode! 2018 is going to be a record breaking year – let’s prepare by finishing out 2017 strong !!

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